Monday, January 30, 2012

<<<<!!!QUESTION (about girls) FOR THE GUYS!!!>>>>?

so,from what i hear...guys tend to think its NOT cool if a girl is a tom-boy(cuz according to guys its makes girls seem too manly or something) but i was wondering what do u guys think:

1)do u find it cool if a girl plays video games

2)do u find it cool if a girl plays sports

3)do u find it attractive if a girl has a muscular body (not like a dude's dody, but still strong and defined)

%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;!!!QUESTION (about girls) FOR THE GUYS!!!%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;?
1) Yes

2) Yes

3) No
All of those things you listed is no where near defining a tom boy. I play video games sometimes, and I have a toned body because I play sports. It's not like bulgy nasty muscles, just toned. (there's a girl in my PE class that benches 80 lbs...*shudders* the guys are afraid of her) I also love to shop, bake, and I'm probably one of the most feminine people you will meet.%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;!!!QUESTION (about girls) FOR THE GUYS!!!%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;?
1. Any guy that knows a girl that plays video games just thinks they are the coolest. I know I do.

2. Yes, why wouldnt we? Girls are just as good as guys.

3. Yeah, to an extent, not weight lifters but some muscle is good...
1. sometimes

2. yea

3. ew no%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;!!!QUESTION (about girls) FOR THE GUYS!!!%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;?
1. Oh hellz yeah

2. Certain sports.

3. Hmm, not too much muscle.
Yes to all three - that was easy. Only insecure guys fall into this category.
1. its ok

2. definitely yes

3. hmm well i don't really know

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