Thursday, January 26, 2012

For Guys. Why like girls who play video games when you wont play with them?

Every guy I have ever talked to say its awesome that I play games. Or that I gain 'points' because I play games. I have dated several gamers, but in the end, none want to play -with- me.

In fact, I got real big into WoW at one point, and the dude I was dating bought it, but only played with me for a bit. Then, he gives me his password and tells me "Here, you can grind for me." -_-;

The point was to have something to play with together. It's not like all I do is play girly games and the Sims.

I love Halo, Left 4 dead, DCU, Guild wars, Oblivion....Normal...GOOD games.

The funny thing is that my current boyfriend only seems to enjoy playing with his guy friends. He seriously hogs the computer all damn day and doesn't say a word to me until we go to bed.

Guys seem to find it so cool to find a girl who loves video games, and then they ignore her, or refuse to play with her....Why?For Guys. Why like girls who play video games when you wont play with them?
its more likely your better than him and he feels your some how stealing his machismo lol...

he needs to grow up, and then you can play together and help each other..
My bf loves to play co-op games with me, we played RE 5 together and really enjoyed it. But at first he hated playing fighting games with me for an odd reason, he said he felt bad watching his character beat up mine. Makes no sense but he soon got over that. Ask your bf if there are certain games he'd enjoy playing with you.For Guys. Why like girls who play video games when you wont play with them?
I would love to play video games with my girlfriend. But I don't understand what your boyfriend's problem is. The only thing I could think of is that maybe he doesn't want to beat you (maybe he thinks you're not good at games?)

I have no idea
not all guys. just yours. I wouldn't mind playing a game with my girlfriend. If i had a gf that is.For Guys. Why like girls who play video games when you wont play with them?
Not all boys are like that, my boyfriend loves to play games with me, its one of the main ways we spend time together (that or he plays and I watch it like a film and knit lol). Of course, the fact that he plays all day and barely speaks to you says to me that he's more interested in his games than you, in any capacity. Try mentioning it your guy, he may not realise how much it bums you not to be able to play with him, and if he doesn't change then try a different gamer guy, you will fin one that loves having a girl to co-op with.
  • p411
  • walkie talkie
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