Monday, January 30, 2012

Cool party games or things to do for sweet 16?

Anyone tell me of cool things too do?? Im turning 16 and inviting guys and girls :)Cool party games or things to do for sweet 16?
One of my best friends did this at her parties and it was superfun...

She had a scavenger hunt around our town. We split up into groups and each group had a driver. And there was a list of things to do like take a picture with someone pumping gas, get a straw from mcdonalds, get a packet of sugar from starbucks there was like 20 things we had to collect or get pictures of. Then there was a meeting place and whoever got done first won. All the losers did the chicken dance.

Haha sounds dorky maybe but it was SO fun.

happy sweet 16 btw!
I'd rent out a section of your favorite restaurant that would let you eat and give you room for dancing. Also, a fun way to distinguish drinks is to stick a name of a celebrity/singer on people's backs as they come in. Throughout the party, people give them clues on who they are, and when they guess, they can put it on their glass/cup so people don't get mixed up. Also, a major thing for a sweet 16 is to pick a theme. A popular theme is candy land or neon dance theme. Then you can base all of the things you do off of the theme which will make your party seem more awesome and well planned.Cool party games or things to do for sweet 16?
truth or dare...!
DANCE PARTAY!!!Cool party games or things to do for sweet 16?
spin the bottle, 7 min in heaven, goose goose duck :) extreme truth or dare !!! have fun
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