Friday, January 20, 2012

I am having a slumber/girls night out party for my 17th birthday and need some fun and cool games to play?

All the girls are between the ages of 15-18 so i am needing some cool, creative, and fun games to play. None of the girls know eachother so if you would tell me some good meet and greet games also....along with games to play after we get to know eachother!! Or not just games any type of thing to do...keep in mind that it is in a hotel suite and we will be going other places like skating, glowbowling, shopping and everything, ALSO please feel free to give me any ideas on my party not just games, to help make this a success!! Thanks to everyone that comments!!!I am having a slumber/girls night out party for my 17th birthday and need some fun and cool games to play?
hey! we always play "bigger or better" so you divide into two teams. each team starts with a penny. then, each team claims one part of a neighborhood. each team goes around to the houses and asks, "hi we are playing a game and we were wondering if you had anything you could trade that is bigger or better than this penny..." etc etc. then you have a time to meet back and compare what the biggest thing or best thing each team got. whoever is bigger or better wins!

also, you could do a scavenger hunt. you need two good drivers from your group. make a sheet with a ton of fun things you need. (4 spoons from an ice cream store, a picture of all the team in a shopping cart, a shampoo bottle from a hotel, picture of someone serenading a fast food worker) etc. have a time to meet back at the suite and whichever team has the most wins. have about 15-20 things. adios!!!I am having a slumber/girls night out party for my 17th birthday and need some fun and cool games to play?
I just played a really fun/funny little game called "would you rather" with my neices (18 year olds). It was a blast. Some of the stuff is so gross, others is interesting but we really laughed. I don't know where you can buy it but I'd guess somewhere they sell games.I am having a slumber/girls night out party for my 17th birthday and need some fun and cool games to play?
the game Apples to Apples is a cool game, it is comparisons and a riot with groups.
hey :D

i think you should get a lot of food ready, like a lot of cool foods such as mixes (like chips, m%26amp;m's, etc.) or smores :)

also get a lot of new movies, or listen to music, or maybe do some games that will make you all laugh or something fun. hope you have fun ! 鈾?br>

and merry christmas ! =)

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