Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I have to write a story for school.?

I have to make up a story for school. I have the introuduction but i cant think of ANYTHING else. please give me some ideas, thanks:)

It all started on that cool fall day in mid October, if I remember right that is. I was outside playing a game of soccer at the small field around the corner from Andy View High School. “ I’m going to get it, I’m going to get it!” I screamed as I hustled down the field, leaves crunching underneath my feet. “ Goal!” I announced loudly as my team sprinted toward me with huge smiles on there faces. “ That was a really great game girls. “ I told my team as we walked off the freshly cut field. Suddenly, my phone started to ring. “ Hello Mom.” I said. “ Jamie, your only fourteen years old you cant be running around the city all day without calling me, please come home we have to talk about something.” Her voice changed when she said we had to talk, this worried me. I wasn’t aware of anything my mom would have been this concerned about. And this is when it all started, on that one fall day.

I have to write a story for school.?
how about Jamie's brother, Ryan, is missing? He never came home from the movies with his friends. that's why she sounds so sharp and is being so anal about Jamie not calling.
new father? cause she's divorced or her fathers dead and she wants to remarry. bout she has a twin sister she never knew about, she has to rescue her because the people will let her in because they think that she's the twin. if this makes no sense email me :) goodluckI have to write a story for school.?
wow that is awesome what you've got right there. I love writing and I think you should continue your story with what happens with the girl's mom when they talk and then go into the problem and climax.

Hope this helps! :)
Bad news comes first but the rainbow is always there at the end.I have to write a story for school.?
Why don't you shorten the speech from Jamie's mother, so she's just asking Jamie to come home. You could then make Jamie's walk home the story- who is Jamie? What makes her tick? Where does she live, where is she walking? What does she see, smell, hear? Or even witness? She knows her mother would like to talk to her, but what about? Is she worried she's about to be exposed for some misdemeanor she hoped her mother wouldn't find out about? Is there a misunderstanding somewhere? Is she going to be told something altogether new? What's her relationship with her mother like?

If you're writing something for school, I'm assuming you probably have a fairly small word limit, like maybe 2000 or something. You won't be able to develop any long complicated storylines in that sort of word count, so what you're best off doing is developing character. Jamie would be possibly on her own for the walk home, so that's your opportunity to really fill out her character. Maybe she's a nerdy anxious girl who's given to blowing situations like that out of all proportion, or perhaps she's apathetic and mostly concerned that whatever her mother wants to talk to her about will result in her being grounded. You can develop a back story to her, maybe your actual story takes place retrospectively with Jamie recounting the misdemeanor in her head as she walks home.

I think the reason you're finding it difficult to further this is the speech from Jamie's mother, because you're giving too much away and setting too much up in that one sentence which is the reason I mention it earlier. You have a good start, you're creating a situation from which a narrative can develop, but what you've done is dictate what that narrative is going to be too early. By reducing what her mother says, you'd be giving Jamie more space to develop and yourself more freedom to tell a story. Try re-writing this paragraph so the content is pretty much the same but less prescriptive. Also, get a rough plan down so you know where you're going with it because then you'll be able to structure your story (narrative) efficiently.

Also, I know you've probably just typed it out quickly for the purposes of asking this question, but your grammar and punctuation are not going to get you any marks. In case you're not sure, you indent and start a new line for speech, so:

"I'm going to get it..."

You need a comma between "game girls" so:

game, girls.

Your as you've used in "Your only fourteen' should be 'You're only fourteen" because you are saying effectively "You are".

I'm sure you know about can't and cant.

You need a comma between "right" and "that is".

"There" is an adverb, you need their if you're talking about something owned (possessive).

There are a few other things too but I'm sure you know about them already.

Good luck x

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