Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is there such a thing as a nerdy black girl?

To be fair, I don't know many black people.

But no matter how hard I sit and think about it, not only have I never met any black gamer girls, I've never even heard anyone make a reference to a black gamer, much less a gamer girl. Nobody has ever told me a story about playing D%26amp;D with a black person, or getting their *** kicked in SSBB/TF2/WoW (but to be fair we don't see our TF2 or WoW opponents face to face usually.) And I'm in my college's geeky-gamer-club and not once have I seen a black person show up.

Okay, so the thread title is misleading. Logically this world must have nerdy black girls. But is there a particular reason why it's so uncommon? Perhaps cultural expectations result in girls being less likely to feel like it's okay to play D%26amp;D with the cool kids?

Assuming it's because of cultural expectations, is that a "bad" thing? Is it somehow wrong for people to be shaped by race expectations in this way or is it natural and right?Is there such a thing as a nerdy black girl?
That doesn't really make sense. There are nerdy people of every race, no doubt about it.
psh, you obviously never met my friends before. All my black friends are gamers, except for the ones that are totally focused on their grades and practicing their violin/cello. I'm mixed with korean and black, I LOVE video games, star trek and playing the piano and violin. I take pride in pwning other people in Halo, Call of Duty, DDR etc. Also all my black friends love anime/manga. How nerdier could a person get?Is there such a thing as a nerdy black girl?
I'm not reading all of that but um of course,just minus out having to be "black" part since any human being could be nerdy.Got very attractive ones too.I also fall into the category of being nerdy,(I looove video-games too)especially when it comes to the places I want to go to and in school.Forget about the stupid stereotypes and stop caring about race.
YES! I see them all the time with those anime loving, punk looking white kids. They usually have berretts bows in their hair and heavy makeup on. The other day I saw a group of emo looking white kids on the corner and a Black girl in the Middle with some white emo guy's hand over her shoulders. When I worked at Target I saw a bunch too. They dress just like the gamer looking whites, but they're Black.Is there such a thing as a nerdy black girl?
interesting........i might call my sister in law a nerd. she isn't gamer, though. she's more the pep club preppy gal. water polo, math club and high achiever. i may have to do with the fact that she was adopted by a white family, and was the only black girl in her school. she doens't really identify with the urban 'street' culture that is popular in the city.

but i know of many black gamers that are male.
O.O Im not a "gamer" but I know tons about games. I know tons of info on games tho.

Ask me anything about assassins creed 1, 2 and 3. (yup, I know info on 3) Ask me about Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2 COD modern warfare and reflex.

You need info, I got it.
Michelle Obama must have been a nerdy Black girl, because she graduated from Columbia %26amp; Harvard with a Doctorate of Law. The current surgeon-general of America is a Black woman, i'm assuming you have to be nerdy to graduate from med school
I think "cool" and "nerdy" or both facets of someones shallow and stupid observations.

I don't find anything cool about hip hop culture, but quite like old Jazz and swing dancing. It's very subjective.
I'm african american, i used to game. I dont really consider myself nerdy, but i'm definitely educated. I think its wrong for anyone to be shaped by race expectations.
Yes, there are.

Heck, there are black emos too.
I'm a straight up black female gamer. now that youve met a black female gamer I guess your life is complete now yea?
Yes there is. I remember this african girl in university english grade 12. She was such a suck up and always got the highest marks in everything.
Yes. That's all I'm going to say, because this was incredibly stupid. What's sadder is that you were serious throughout. Pathetic. People on here are seriously pathetic.
Hi, My name is Elan. you've met a black gamer girl.
I'm black, and I LOVE video games. I'm on my ps3 all day!

I'm not a nerd, though. Oh hell noo !
Absolutely yes, but they usually grow out of it after they start having sex, unfortunately
i'm sure there are.. wtf?

seriously are all the people in this section mentally unstable?
maybe somewhere out there! There are may people on Earth :)
i dont know any
I've always been a Nerd, not much of a Gamer though
yeah I've met plenty of those
my sister pretty nerdy lol

but we are mixed (white and black)
Oh My god. i'm probably the biggest nerd out of all my friends,including other white guys,who are exceptionally nerdy. I play COD,WoW on occasion,Bioshock 1 and Bioshock 2,Modern Warfare,Fallout (new Vegas will be out next year or late this year),Bully,GTA and more. I collected Pokemon cards when I was younger and YuGioh cards. I also own most of the american translated Pokemon games which I still play to this game. Especially Sapphire edition. most other gamer guys I've met have found it to be really cool and a turn on for most,In fact I started dating most of my exes by beating the hell out of them in a video

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