Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Why do guys think its cool to be playas but its not if a girl tries the game?

GUYS::: okay.... the guys i know are serious playas. they dont even stay with a girl for a day. it seems alright until it happened to me. one of them got me alright. he used all of this sweet talk and that he was over those games... turns out he had not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but 5 other girls on the side. but i have noticed when one of my friends tries it they call her all these names. what is the difference for a guy to be a playa and why do yall do it?Why do guys think its cool to be playas but its not if a girl tries the game?
Guys and Girls can both be players, but guys are more often players because girls generally want a relationship and guys just want to have their egos boosted or sex. Some guys eventually mature into loving people, but even as adults many guys still haven't learned how to love. As fars as male and female players go they generally get into this mindset because they have given up on love and are just trying to have "fun". They will eventually come down from this rush and realize how much they have hurt themselves and those around them. They have given up on love because love is a rare thing most people have not learned how to do. Loving people can be very difficult but is very rewarding. I think most people try to look at any relationship especially one that is physical as a loving relationship when they are actually generally very selfish and almost completely devode of love. They know how to feel tingly and happy, but they do not know how to give of themselves and generally care for others.
that aint true, girl. My sister is the ULTIMATE player...she has like 3 different boyfriends who she hasnt even been interested in too much, and ALL of them give her money and clothes and take her shopping! She even made this one dude start crying over the phone because she broke up with him!

Most of the Bit*hes in this world are men. not me tho lolWhy do guys think its cool to be playas but its not if a girl tries the game?
Im a guy. I am a flyy guy at that. I have tried the game but i have decided simply to stay single and exercise my game, instead of getting into a relationship. From this i have learned one thing: females actually have more game than guys do. Ladies have influence over man unlike anything else in the world. I find it extremely sexy when a woman comes on to me running game because it lets me know that she know what she wants and is going after it. I guess what im saying is: EXERCISE THAT GAME LADIES!!!
Honestly without trying to be a smart *** maybe you should consider or reconsider the caliber of guys you are around. Me personally I'm the polar opposite, I am loyal and unfortunately it has got me hurt many times, but it doesn't change the person I am. You just have to be around better guys may be hard to see, but there out there and personally a guy or girl that sleeps around is equal in trashiness one is not skankier then the other lol.Why do guys think its cool to be playas but its not if a girl tries the game?
i'm a guy, and i agree compleely with ya.....girls should have the same "right" as us, concerning this matter. We still live in a society where the girl can't be seen wih too many guys! it sux! i agree!
guys are assholes,they ll never call themselves flirts even if they ll be going around wid 10 girls but a if a girl ll b goin around wid even a singla guy they call her a characterless woman or a whore

u cant help it it is there in their psyche

u knw wht "men are dogs n if they are not dogs they are not men"
Guys perspective - if you can get away with it, why not? Many guys are more concerned with quantity than quality.

As far as a female playa - what a guy wants to be IS NOT what a guy wants in the opposite sex - fair or unfair, that's the way it is.

Maybe your problem is that the guys you know are serious playas. Try finding a better quality of guys.
There is no difference the games the same, but the players have changed. Our society has set it to where its ok for a guy to do it but wrong for a woman. Same difference to me.
I think it is wrong on both sides, but the stigma is placed on girls because of the traditional view that guys are these rough harden type people with the justification to do what they please, while ladies are supposedly obligated to follow these strict codes of conduct to be lady like, i do believe that ladies should follow such a structure but at the same time the guys should be more chilvarous.

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