Sunday, February 12, 2012

Know any cool B-day party games for kids?

My baby is turning 3 and we are having a small family party. We will have 8 kids here ranging from 3-8. Boys and girls and the party theme is dora. I have no Idea what kids of games to play for!Know any cool B-day party games for kids?
A water balloon toss game: Fill up small water balloons, pair off kids and have them toss it back and forth. Every time they catch it, they take a step back to make the game harder. Last balloon standing wins a prize. You can do this with eggs too, but who wants to clean that up.

You can make your own pin the tail on the donkey, do a pinata, have a coloring contest, sack races, karaoke... so many fun things you can do with kids that age.
games like duck duck goose, pin the tail on the monkey(boots the monkey from dora), a pinata, or you can buy elefun the elephant. I hoped these helped.Know any cool B-day party games for kids?
I had a party for my daughter when she was little, we tied chocholate covered donuts from dunkins and hung them on a clothesline in the yard. Then the kids had to eat the donuts without using their hands. The kids loved it as well as the neighbors next door! Make sure to have lots of paper towels for cleanup! Very messy, but hilarious to watch:)
Since the theme is "Dora" maybe you should do a scavenger hunt, you know the Backpack and The Map, helping find stuff and go to three main places (like the show) to find the items on the list. ^^Know any cool B-day party games for kids?
Here are some fun themes to do.

Scary mansion. All you need is well whatever you want but this would really make it spooky:

Glow in the dark Goo

rubber spiders

a dark room. Maybe a long hallway or big basement.

a tape recorder to record some spooky sounds.

have some spooky walls

get a spooky unreal person to scare you

cloth so they can't see what is on the other side

have lights so when they get to other side turn them on and have big spider or anything you want to scare 'em

at the end have a bucket full of goo. And a prize for each person.

Then have a dare in the bucket.

Let them sleep in the room.

Have some people making goo and the room and the other people are outside playing games

Swap over.

also you could make them do apple bobbing and in one of the apples there is a dare. you cut out some of the apple and put the note inside it then sticky tape it back. (They wont be eating that! Yuck!)

also try making a cake that looks like slime with jelly and sour worms and spiders you can eeat. and brains you can eat and make them eat it.

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